“When the Guns are Rolling Yonder” (1917-18)
Every soldier leaves behind
Oh! a girl that’s true and kind,
But you’ll never see your sweetheart anymore.
To the war you’ll go away
Just a little while to stay
Oh! you’ll never see your sweetheart anymore.
When the guns are rolling yonder,
When the guns are rolling yonder,
When the guns are rolling y-o-n-d-e-r,
(Spoken) Fall’ In!
When the guns are rolling yonder we’ll be there.
You’ll be marching up to battle
Where those damned machine guns rattle
But you’ll never see your sweetheart anymore.
When you’re hanging on the wire
Under heavy hostile fire
Oh! you’ll never see your sweetheart anymore.
When your lungs are filled with gas
You’ll be thinking of a lass
But you’ll never see your sweetheart anymore.
Lying in the mud and rain
With a shrapnel in your brain
Oh! you’ll never see your sweetheart anymore.
When the charge is made at last
You’ll be riding hard and fast
But you’ll never see your sweetheart anymore.
And the poppies they will nod,
When you hit the bloomin’ sod
Oh! you’ll never see your sweetheart anymore.
There will be no more to tell
When you stop a screaming shell
And you’ll never see your sweetheart anymore.
For you’ll wear a wooden jacket
When the enemy gets your bracket
And you’ll never see your sweetheart anymore.
Still may you come back to find
That the girl you left behind
Doesn’t want to see her sweetheart anymore.
For while you were ‘cross the sea
She acquired a family
Oh! you’ll never see your sweetheart anymore.
Let us love while yet we may
For there’ll surely come a day
When you’ll never see your sweetheart anymore.
For the jackal and the crow
Said t’was ever, ever so
Oh! you’ll never see your sweetheart anymore.
Source: The More We Sing, the Merrier We’ll Be, Doughboy songbook, author(s) unknown, c. 1918.